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Wednesday, June 15, 2011


It doesn't really feel like it yet. I still have to finish my online Chinese class. Also finalizing my schedule for next year. Next year I only have to go to High School Every other day- the other day has two online courses, a college course, and a apprenticeship program with a local Childs Occupational Therapist (trying to decide my future :P ). I'm going camping on Saturday with a huge group of friends to kick off the summer. Two day's of noooo food!!! :) I've actually been doing really good. Fallowing the rules, and I don't feel hungry most of the time. I just feel so fat. I scheduled a doctors appointment to discuss my antidepressants and switching them. I also have to admit- I've been cutting so much. Usually I just cut my stomach and thighs (easier to hide) But I've been getting careless and I tore up my arms and legs. My dad noticed- he looked so sad. I felt so bad for it. I've been coming up with so many excuses that work on everyone else... but he knows me. I just wish I wasn't such a disappointment. I think he hates me.


  1. Ah so close but so far away. I feel like I haven't started summer either since the weather's so crappy and I had to take an online class and now getting tested for my job.. ridiculous. That sounds like an awesome schedule to look forward too! Do you know what college you're going to for that career? I hope your weekend is absolutely awesome, be safe!

  2. I really love Boston University, but my dream school is Wheaton College in Norton Mass.
