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Friday, March 4, 2011


The fear of aging. I'm terrified of growing older. I want to stay 16, god, I don't even want to be sixteen, I want to be a little kid again. I miss not having to worry. I feel like I'm wasting my "childhood" feeling horrible all of the time. Things are moving too fast, I just want life to slow down for a bit so I can take a breath. Next year I'm a senior, then college...I'm not ready for that! I don't want to be legally an adult.  And for some reason I was never able to picture myself as one. Maybe I'm meant to die young.


  1. Maaaaaad thought echo right here, I always thought I'd die before I turn 18...


  2. I feel the same as both of you. I'm 18 now though. It is odd. I wish I could go back and be a happier kid.
    It will be ok, no one is 'meant' to die young, in my opinion anyway.
    I don't know if you're religious or not. I'm not so essentially my view is- no one is meant to die young because for the continuation of the race everyone is meant to have children. Due to the moving on of society not everyone has to have children (we have choices) but we are still biologically hardwired to survive.
    I don't know if that makes sense, I'd have to write a whole essay to explain it all properly.
