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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

So Busy

I've been so busy. Barely enough time to eat- except I really have to eat because of all of the things I have to do. I have two hour violin practices for Pit Orchestra everyday after school for the next few weeks. And that's on top of everything else I have to do. Tomorrow I won't get home until 8:30. I have Orchestra for two hours, then right after that I have another violin thing for an hour, then I have to rush back to the high school so that I can be the photographer for my friends fashion show she is running (schoolwide thing, she designed three pieces in it.....), then I have to run up stairs to an Interact (volunteer club) meeting. Then I can go home and do my homework. Bah :P . But it's bothering me because I really have to eat......I have to force myself to. For the past week I've have a veggie wrap everyday for lunch- and it's making me feel sick!! If I don't eat then I don't have enough strength to hold my violin up for hours on end. I know that well enough because of last spring when I fainted at one of my practices. It does burn calories, but I can't stand to loop at the scale. I think I'm only going t eat lunch for the next few weeks. That's not so bad. I feel so awful.

1 comment:

  1. hey, i saw you started following me! so i'll try to follow you a bit to. if you want me to send you one of my mail arts, lmk. i'm always looking for new folks to do snail mail correspondence!

