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Sunday, April 10, 2011


I don't get it. I'm 5'4.5 I weigh about 100 pounds, I eat and average of 200 calories a day. I weigh too much, and eat too much for this to be happening. It was never like this before so why is it so bad now. I keep getting these dizzy spells where the world shifts around and I can't focus my eyes. I keep seeing these colorful dots, like you see when you stare at the sun for too long. Things don't feel quite real. I was walking to the bathroom from mt math class on Friday and it's like my mind went blank. I forgot what class I was in, I forgot where I was. I was just confused and it keeps happening, my mind goes into a dream state. I made a post like this earlier, this is just really freaking me out, I don't know what it wrong.

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