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Sunday, April 10, 2011

My screwed up family- a rant.

My Aunt was here this weekend with her husband (husband number three- we stopped calling them uncle's after the second)- He is such a sketchy dude. I think he might be a child molester, like I'm not joking, I really think it's a possibility. We don't like him, but they are literally the only family we have left, so we put up with it for my aunt. The thing is though, these people are ALWAYS talking about weight and calories and fat, and they KNOW that I have struggled with Anorexia. They know this. Clearly they don't understand it because they always do this to me, and I bite my lip and go cut myself instead of saying anything. Well today Stewart, (my "uncle") was making a peanut butter sandwich. And my mom, just to make conversation said "Oh, Cal makes Peanut butter honey sandwiches, their delicious." (When I was recovering I had to eat those for protein) And he looks at me and say's "If you keep eating those you'll be fat before you know it." And my jaw drops. I was like: "I don't let myself get fat." So my Aunt charms in "Oh that's what everybody says, just you wait, you'll be fat one day." Annnnnnd cue my biggest trigger: Growing up when my mom was always on diets, I used to say that I would always be skinny. She would always respond: "Just you wait, you'll be fat like me one day." (She's not even really fat). So that was a big part of developing my ED. So I just sort of silently went up to my room and started to cry, hoping they didn't notice. Of course my mom did, so she calmly and politely told them that they had to watch what they say around me as to not trigger me. Stewart got angry that she said that to him, and -GET THIS- he went into our backyard and hid in our old treehouse. YES, YOU READ CORRECT a 79-year old retired biology professor hid in our tree house and refused to come down.  What. The. Fuck. Disaster. It got better, but I was glad when they left. I'm no where near recovered. I've been starving myself again for months and they have no clue.


  1. When my family gets into it's fucked up stages I sometimes use the Mantra "I can move out soon, today focus on not losing sanity."
    Good luck <3

  2. I think it's "normal" for families or the majority to have some sort of issuses lol, but glad your staying strong!!!!
    ps pb and honey is my weakness!!!!
    i hate people who just say whatever they want without thinking.............
    stay strong

  3. He obviously has his own issues, so don't let it get to you too much. I just read a great post about honey bees. They're great little buggers! Eat honey, it helps support bees!
