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Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I'm back, and I feel so much better! I had 300 calories today- which is a lot, but I'm going to the gym today and I usually burn about 1000 calories... SO, tomorrow is going to be a weigh in *Fingers crossed.*

I've been meaning to show you guy's this website:
It's completely amazing. It tells you the number of calories in everything, calories burned in every activity, how long it will take you to loose weight, etc. Just seeing my calories on a meter on screen made me do better, so I'm definitely getting back to the site.

ALSO, I recently found out about this magical food. Shirataki Noodles have only 10 CALORIES!!! I'm amazed. I'm going to a local Asian market today to buy a bunch, I'll keep you guy's posted about how they are, and the recipes I use them with.

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